Skh Sourav halder wkidata

Wkidata Name:SKH Sourav Haldar Birth: 1 February 2012 (Age 17) Shobhana Union, Khulna Name in real life:Sourav halder Nationality:Bangladeshi Country:Bangladesh Current location:Khulna, Language: *Main - Mother Language Bengali, 2nd- English *Time zone UCTC-1 *Current time *The current time for UTC-1: 1 is 4:00 Height:5 8 ’’ Blood type:A Positive Education and employment Career:Author-poet Education:Dumuria College Hobbies, likes and beliefs hobby:Bengali Wikipedia and poetry writing Religion:Hindu Movie:Devdas Book:Sourav Interest:Writing poet Writing articles,

Wednesday, August 14, 2019
